Understanding Accessible Media: Key Terms and Definitions

2025-02-22T15:03:55-05:00Categories: Audio Description, Closed Captioning, Described Video, Descriptive Transcript, Extended Audio Description, Integrated Described Video, Live Described Video|Tags: , , , , , , |

Creating accessible media isn't just about compliance—it’s about ensuring that everyone, regardless of ability, can fully experience and enjoy content. With so many accessibility options available, it can be confusing to know what each one does and who benefits from it. Let’s break down the key terms and features that

Four Things You Need to Know About Described Video

2025-02-22T15:12:29-05:00Categories: Described Video, Descriptive Transcript, Extended Audio Description|Tags: , , , , , |

Over the last few weeks, we have answered many questions about Described Video. Here is a list of the four most recurring questions – we hope you learn something new. 1. What the heck is Described Video? Is it subtitling? No Mom, it is not subtitling. Described Video (DV) is

It’s Been a Wonderful Year at Described Video Canada!

2025-02-22T15:13:38-05:00Categories: Closed Captioning, Described Video, Descriptive Transcript, Extended Audio Description|Tags: , , , , , , , |

We’re so thrilled to be helping such an eclectic range of clients with their accessibility goals. From broadcast to streaming, to corporations and government & academic institutes, we're very grateful to be a trusted partner/supplier to so many wonderful clients. We thought it would be helpful to answer another popular